Family Dentistry

Quality Dental Care in Levittown for Children & Adults

Preventive and Restorative Dental Care for the Whole Family More and more families are opting to establish all their dental needs at a kind of “one-stop dental shop,” also referred to as family dentistry. As opposed to a general dentist who treat individuals, family dentistry provides top-notch oral health regardless of age. Children may have [...]

Quality Dental Care in Levittown for Children & Adults2020-10-02T17:22:46+00:00

What Is TMJ?

Currently, an estimated  10 million Americans struggle with Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disease, making it one of the most commonly seen issues in many dental offices, including ours, Levittown Family Dental Associates. TMJ is known for its intense pain, most often located in the head and/or neck area. This is because the temporal mandibular joint [...]

What Is TMJ?2019-02-07T18:31:15+00:00

Top Tips to Keep Your Family’s Teeth Healthy

You have many good reasons to keep your family's teeth and gums healthy, including sparkling smiles, better jaw alignment, fewer stomach diseases, avoiding toothaches and discomfort, New research has proven that gum disease can lead to other complications in the body, including a bigger risk of heart disease. Fortunately, there are simple ways to maintain [...]

Top Tips to Keep Your Family’s Teeth Healthy2018-11-13T16:38:33+00:00